Since summer 2009 M.T. INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE is not only truly international through its international board of directors, but also through the involvement and support of DI (FH) Thomas Abzieher and Prof. LPH Dipl. Ing. Margarete Grimus, who are both specialists in their field in Austria, Europe. Thomas as well as Margarete have, through the donation of a lot of equipment and, most especially, through their actions and efforts, tremendously contributed to the standard of M.T. INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE. After only a very short planning period , Thomas A. came to Nigeria to set up a fully equipped computer lab in our school within only two weeks. He thereby prepared M.T. INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE for the coming of Prof. Grimus, who held a three module ICTT program for our Primary and Secondary school teachers . Further, through their combined efforts, M.T. I NTERNATIONAL COLLEGE has been donated 20 Microsoft licenses to be installed on the systems in our brand new lab. According to Microsoft, 98% of all companies in Nigeria are using pirated copies of Microsoft, while no more than 2% have acquired legal MS licenses . This makes us really unique and proud as an educational institution and reconfirms us, that we are on the right way!